Create with ME entry: Hope


The seasons were changing fast. Autumn, Winter had past in a blur of bad news and rainy days. It was now Spring.
Tess had longed for the sunshine on her face now for than ever. Her father had died only six weeks ago and yet it felt like a lifetime already. Tess' father was a City Banker, a man always full of life and fun. He enjoyed the finer things; exquisite dining and easy women. Her mother was quite ordinary, a shy, quiet lady who loved her home. Whilst Tess' father had worked and played hard he'd caught the dreaded Virus that had swept throughout the World and sadly wiped him out along with millions of others.

The weather was glorious, the sparrows making their nest and the bees heavy with nectar wait patiently to fly again.
The Government insisted everyone stayed inside to avoid catching the Virus as no surgeons could treat it and they had to wait for a vaccine. Schools and Businesses all closed. Even the local Church. Tess missed the evening bells at six.
Tess and her mother were the only people at her fathers funeral, it was forbidden for others to leave their homes unless it was necessary. She was sure if her father could see the sparse attendance he'd have turned in his grave.He was a popular man in their village, always happy to tip his hat and shake a hand. Tess knew of her father's antics well and her heart went out to her mother today and although they both wept tears, Tess was unsure if hers were real.

Vera, Tess' mother had been quite strict when it came to her only daughters studies, her mothering instinct knew Tess was destined for big things.This year was like no other and Tess would be given a grade based on her attitude to learning and her coursework due to the closure of her School.
Spring turned into summer and the skies were bright as Tess pulled open her curtains; the morning of her big day was finally here. Her laptop pinged as if on cue and her heart started racing. She needed three A* to be accepted into Cambridge University, her dream to be a BioMedical Scientist. Tess had lost three grandparents to Cancer and she was determined to be the person to find a cure to stop this terrible disease. Opening up the email, she could not believe her cornflower blue eyes; in front of her were three A*, and in that moment she knew her father was watching down on her. She immediately got up and ran down the stairs two at her time to tell her grieving mother the fantastic news.

As Summer changed to Autumn, the lockdown was lifted, the Church bells rung, the streets were filled with parties and love, Tess stepped off the train at Cambridge Station. Smells from a different City danced in her nostrils and while pulling her luggage towards the beautiful wooden doors, she decided she would begin this new journey full throttle, full of anticipation and she would give it her everything.
Erin-Jayne Porter

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